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Disney Guest Tutor

Michelle Lee 

Ballet Dance Instructor

Jazz Dance Instructor


自小學習芭蕾舞,成績優異,並考取國際認可教育文憑。 英國皇家芭蕾舞學院八級文憑及專修訓練課程高級文憑。她於2010年獲香港大學專業進修學院頒受文學副學士, 2012年取得英國密德薩斯大學出版、媒體及文化研究(榮譽)文學士。其後考獲澳洲舞蹈教師協會註冊導師, 及澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會芭蕾舞爵士舞教師證書 ,積極於舞蹈教育發展。李氏更獲頒澳洲舞蹈教師協會獎學金。她曾任教於多間中幼稚園,小學及大型舞蹈學院,教授爵士舞及芭蕾舞,更為表演及比賽編舞。

Lee Yee Yan, Michelle started to learn ballet when she was young and awarded with internationally recognized certificates. She obtained Royal Academy of Dance Classical Ballet Grade 8 and Advanced Royal Academy of Dance Diploma. She is now also a registered Teacher of Australian Teachers of Dancing ( ATOD ) and Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD). In 2010, she is awarded the associate of arts at The University of Hong Kong School of professional and continuing education. In 2012, she has been awarded the degree of Bachelor of arts in Publishing, Media and Cultural Studies at Middlesex University London. Michelle was awarded Australian Teachers of Dancing International Majors Scholarship. She is active in dance education development, she choreographs for performances and competitions. She taught ballet and jazz at a number of schools, kindergartens and some dance academy.


新界青衣,青衣邨,青衣商場 一樓六號舖

Shop no.6, 1/F, Tsing Yi Commercial Complex,

Tsing Yi Estate, 10 Fung Sue Wo Road, Tsing Yi, N.T., H.K.

Tel: 6214-8432  Whatsapp: 5268-9654



Mon 14:00 - 19:00

Tue 14:00 - 19:00

Wed 14:00 - 19:00

Thu 14:00 - 19:00

Fri 14:00 - 19:00

Sat  09:00 - 17:00

Sun 09:00 - 14:00

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